Monday, September 22, 2014


Mommyhood has been great so far, but I have a confession, I was not a huge fan of motherhood in the very beginning. Carter will be 3 months this week and I feel like the first 2 3/4 months were really hard for me. Carter was not the easiest baby but was not a horrible on either, I think it was me adjusting to motherhood. 
I don't think the doing everything for this child just to watch him eat, sleep and poop helped at all. But he has started to respond to us when we play with him. He had his first laugh over labor day weekend and my heart just melted! He smiles all the time now and will take naps without me holding him (by far the best thing he has out grown) although he still would if I let him. I am loving being his mom right now and seeing the changes in him from month to month! 
He enjoys tummy time now as well


  1. I - feel - you. Those first months are soooo hard. People would ask me how I was enjoying motherhood and I didn't sugarcoat it (which I think threw some people off when I didn't say I was loving every second). Danny felt like he really started connecting to Ellie when she started interacting with us. And seriously, those first laughs are the best!!

  2. ps: I can see so much of you and Justin in him.
