Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kersa, Ethiopia

The home team, Kersa, won. This is them getting their cup.  Then they chanted and ran out of the stadium and down the street stopping traffic and wanting you to put money in their cup.

These were just some kids at the awards ceremony

Kersa when the game was over

Kersa right after the game ended.  They were so happy!
This was the start of the game, this was the opposing team Turge.

While we were in Kersa they had their championship soccer game and I think about 2000 people showed up.  Their were people everywhere, this is one of the kids who had climbed a tree to watch the game. He had an amazing view of the whole field!

This little girl was effected by a flood in the town we stayed in. We went and handed out clothes to the little kids.

This little girl was effected as well, she brought her little siblings along with her.

This was a lady who was nursing while waiting to get clothes for the rest of her family, this is one of my favorite pictures.

This kid had a soccer injury about 4 years ago and never took care of it and it got infected and he now had gangrene .

This lady had a seizure and fell into her cooking fire about a week before we got there. She came to the clinic and they told her family to take her to the hospital, but they didn't; they waited the week until the doctors came on the expedition with us.

This is just a random girl from the village, i just thought she was very pretty.

This is just an old lady from the village, she just looks like she has lived through a lot and has a ton of stories to tell.

Just a random little boy who was following his older brother with their cattle.

This boy (the white one) is 22 and is living in Addis and is starting a home for boys to keep them off the streets. He's really a nice guy and the boys just love him.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well today I leave for Africa!!!!  13 days of serving in a village and taking pictures, just about my dream come true, and who knows hopefully this will be the start of traveling around the world taking pictures.  Just be expecting lots of pictures when i get back!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I did my friends engagement pictures yesterday, these are just a few of my favorites: